Clerk’s Notes: Notary Service is available
Phone numbers:
616-846-2210 (Township office)
616-846-2369 (Township fax)
We would like your input on any issues facing Robinson Township. Board meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm. A notice of any upcoming meetings will be listed on the front page of the website. Agendas can be found on the Boards and Commissions page under Minutes & Agendas. This is also where you can also find the minutes to both the Board of Trustee meetings and the Planning Commission. Minutes are not posted until they have been approved at the following meeting. All meetings are open to the public.
2025 Election Dates:
May 6, 2025 Special Election
Register to Vote:
Now is the time to make sure you are registered to vote and that all of your voter information is current for the next election
Many laws have changed regarding voter registration deadlines and methods. Please click here to review the changes:
7 FAQs About Voting and Voter Registration
There are 3 ways to register to vote:
1. If you have a valid Michigan Driver’s license or state ID, you can register to vote and update your voter registration address in Michigan online. Please click on this link to do so:
Michigan Online Voter Registration
2., You can print out and complete this form. It can be mailed in or dropped off to the Township office.
3. You may also register to vote at the Secretary of State office or County Clerk’s office.
Absentee Ballots
With the passage of Proposal 3 in November 2018, all Michigan voters are now eligible to receive an absentee ballot by mail without needing to provide a reason.
If you would like to receive a ballot for an election:
Contact the township office and we will mail you an application. Once we receive your filled out application, we will send you a ballot as soon as they become available.
Permanent Absentee Voter List
If you would like to receive a ballot by mail for every election, you may add your name to our list of Permanent Absentee voters. If you choose to join this list, you will receive an absentee ballot application in the mail approximately 45 days prior to each election.
You may join the Permanent Absentee List by simply calling our office at (616) 846-2210 OR by completing this form and returning it to our office. AV Perm request
Voters who wish to join do not need to provide a reason for requesting an absentee ballot.
Voters on the Permanent Absentee List do not have to vote by mail. If you would prefer to vote in person for a particular election, do not complete the absentee ballot application. Instead, simply vote in person at your precinct between the hours of 7 am and 8 pm on Election Day. Voting in person will not remove your name from the Permanent List; however, you may remove your name at any time by contacting our office.
Election Inspectors
We are also in need of election inspectors. We will pay to have you trained. If you are interested please contact me. You must be a registered voter in the State of Michigan.
Remember we are here to serve the Public. All records except Personnel Files and litigation matters are open to the Public and may be inspected upon request or obtained through a Freedom of Information Request. You may download a Freedom of Information request from this site (located on the main page at the bottom)
New Residents
If you are a new resident of Robinson Township and have not received a “New Resident Packet“ please call the Township at 846-2210 and request one. These are full of useful information and coupons from area businesses. As a new resident you might want to consider purchasing a Robinson Township History Book. They are available at the Township for $25.00 and contain many interesting facts and stories about the history of Robinson Township.
Penni DeWitt
Robinson Township Clerk
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12010 120th Avenue
Grand Haven, MI 49417
Hours of Operation
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Friday – Closed
Phone: (616) 846-2210
Fax: (616) 846-2369
Burn Permit Line: (616) 842-3160